


  • Congratulations to Zicheng, Siqi’s paper about “Proteogenomic characterization of high-grade lung neuroendocrine carcinoma deciphers molecular diversity and potential biomarkers of different histological subtypes in Chinese population” was accepted by Research.
  • Congratulations to Yichun’s paper about “Transcriptomic profiling of blood platelets identifies a diagnostic signature for pancreatic cancer” was accepted by British Journal of Cancer.


  • Congratulations to Congcong’s paper about “Comprehensive transcriptomic profiling reveals molecular characteristics and biomarkers associated with risk stratification in papillary thyroid carcinoma” was published on Journal of Pathology Clinical Research.
  • Congratulations to Jie’s paper about “Single Cell Inference of Cancer Drug Response Using Pathway-Based Transformer Network” was published on Small Methods.


  • Congratulations! Ye contributed a paper about “Pan-cancer characterization of m6A-mediated regulation of T cell exhaustion dynamics and clinical relevancies in human cancers” on Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids.



  • Congratulations! Dongxue contributed a paper about “Leveraging pharmacovigilance data to predict population-scale toxicity profiles of checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy” on Nature Computational Science.


  • Ke’s work about “Single-cell and bulk transcriptome analysis reveals tumor cell heterogeneity and underlying molecular program in uveal melanoma” was published on Journal of Translational Medicine. Congratulations!


  • Congratulations! Meng’s cooperation work about Deciphering the role of LGALS2: insights into tertiary lymphoid structure-associated dendritic cell activation and immunotherapeutic potential in breast cancer patients was published on Molecular Cancer!
  • Meng was certificated as one of World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University/Elsevier. Congratulations to Meng!


  • Zicheng’s work about “Causal relationships between retinal diseases and psychiatric disorders have implications for precision psychiatry” was accepted by Molecular Neurobiology. Congratulations!


  • Congratulations! Xinrui’s paper about The transcriptional landscape and clinico-biological characterization of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma was accepted by International Journal of Cancer!
  • Congratulations to Lili’s paper about Integrated immuno-transcriptomic analysis of ovarian cancer identifies a four-chemokine-dominated subtype with antitumor immune-active phenotype and favorable prognosis accepted by British Journal of Cancer!


  • Congratulations! Zijian’s paper about Automated early detection of acute retinal necrosis from ultra-widefield color fundus photography using deep learning was accepted by Eye and Vision!
  • Congratulations! Zicheng’s paper about Spatial Transcriptome-Wide Profiling of Small Cell Lung Cancer Reveals Intra-Tumoral Molecular and Subtype Heterogeneity was published on Adv Sci!


  • Congratulations to Yixin’s paper about Systemic whole transcriptome analysis identified underlying molecular characteristics and regulatory networks implicated in the retina following optic nerve injury published on Experimental Eye Research!
  • Yixin, Hongyan, Ye, Desen, Ronghua, Yaxuan, Ke, Dongxue, Zijian and Yibo successfully defended their MS theses. Congratulations!


  • Meng has been selected as one of the 2023 Most Cited Chinese Researchers (released by Elsevier). Congratulations to Meng!

  • Congratulations to Hongyan’s paper about Inference of developmental hierarchy and functional states of exhausted T cells from epigenetic profiles with deep learning accepted by Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling!
  • Congratulations! Modi’s paper about Genetic insights into association and causality between blood metabolites and Alzheimer’s disease was accepted by Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease!


  • Congratulations! Yaxuan and Ronghua’s paper about Effect of the gut microbiome in glaucoma risk from the causal perspective was published on BMJ Open Ophthalmol!


  • Congratulations! Ronghua and Yaxuan’s paper about The causal effect of oxidative stress on the risk of glaucoma was accepted by Heliyon!
  • Congratulations! Zijian, Yibo, Jie and Meng’s paper about Prediction of prognosis and treatment response in ovarian cancer patients from histopathology images using graph deep learning: a multicenter retrospective study was accepted by European Journal of Cancer!
  • Congratulations! Yibo, Zijian and Meng’s paper about Histopathology images-based deep learning prediction of prognosis and therapeutic response in small cell lung cancer was accepted by npj Digital Medicine!



  • Congratulations! Hongyan and Meng’s paper about Consensus clustering with missing labels (ccml): a consensus clustering tool for multi-omics integrative prediction in cohorts with unequal sample coverage was accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics!


  • Congratulations to Meng about collaborating paper of Single-Cell Landscape Reveals the Epithelial Cell-Centric Proinflammatory Immune Microenvironment in Dry Eye Development published on Mucosal Immunology!


  • Congratulations! Ke Li’s paper about Sing-cell dissection of the multicellular ecosystem and molecular features underlying microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma was accepted by HEPATOLOGY!
  • Congratulations! Ke Xu’s paper about Automatic detection and differential diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration from color fundus photographs using deep learning with hierarchical vision transformer was published on Computers in Biology and Medicine!
  • Congratulations! Ke Li’s paper about Single-cell characterization of macrophages in uveal melanoma uncovers transcriptionally heterogeneous subsets conferring poor prognosis and aggressive behavior was published on Experimental & Molecular Medicine!


  • Congratulations to Zicheng and Meng contributing a paper about DNA damage repair profiling of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma uncovers clinically relevant molecular subtypes with distinct prognoses and therapeutic vulnerabilities on eBioMedicine!
  • Congratulations to Yibo, Congcong, Meng and Jie contributing a paper about Multi-omics Deep-learning Prediction of Homologous Recombination Deficiency-like Phenotype Improved Risk Stratification and Guided Therapeutic Decisions in Gynecological Cancers on IEEE J Biomed Health Inform!
  • Meng Zhou starts his lab in Computational Precision Health (ZSlab@CPH) at Wenzhou Medical University!


  • Congratulations to Lu, Meng and Jie contributing a paper about Noninvasive early differential diagnosis and progression monitoring of ovarian cancer using the copy number alterations of plasma cell-free DNA on Transl Res!
  • Congratulations to Zhenhui, Chenghao and Jianzhong contributing a review about Liquid biopsies for cancer: From bench to clinic on MedComm!
  • Congratulations! Zicheng, Hongyan, Jie and Meng contributed a paper about Deep learning identifies a T-cell exhaustion-dependent transcriptional signature for predicting clinical outcomes and response to immune checkpoint blockade on Oncogenesis.
  • Congratulations! Zicheng and Meng contributed a paper about Multi-dimensional characterization of immunological profiles in small cell lung cancer uncovers clinically relevant immune subtypes with distinct prognoses and therapeutic vulnerabilities on Pharmacological Research.


  • Congratulations! Meng, Siqi and Jianzhong contributed a paper about The transcriptional landscape and diagnostic potential of long non-coding RNAs in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma on Nature Communications.
  • Congratulations to Zijian, Jie and Meng for publishing paper about DeepDrRVO: A GAN-auxiliary two-step masked transformer framework benefits early recognition and differential diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion from color fundus photographs on Computers in Biology and Medicine!
  • Congratulations! Shilai, Yinghao, Jianzhong contributed a paper about Association of mitochondrial DNA variation with high myopia in a Han Chinese population on Molecular Genetics and Genomics.


  • Congratulations! Jianzhong, Jian, Shilai contributed a paper about Sequencing of 19,219 exomes identifies a low-frequency variant in FKBP5 promoter predisposing to high myopia in a Han Chinese population on Cell Reports.
  • Xinyu, Lijun and Jianzhong contributed an article about Partial erosion on under-methylated regions and chromatin reprogramming contribute to oncogene activation in IDH mutant gliomas on Epigenetics & Chromatin. Congratulations!


  • Congratulations! Jianzhong's collaboration paper with Prof. Li about scRNA-seq reveals new subtypes of lens superficial tissue in humans was published on Cell Proliferation.


  • Congratulations! Xinrui and Zhengbo's review about the roles of non-coding RNAs in eye development and diseases was accepted on WIREs RNA.


  • Congratulations! Congcong's collaboration paper with Prof. Lin about Metabolite Biomarkers for Differential Detection of Macular Edema was accepted on eye and vision.



  • Congratulations! Dandan and Xinyu's collaboration paper with Prof. Zhang about Mutant NPM1 hijacks transcriptional hub to maintain pathogenic gene programs in acute myeloid leukemia was accepted on Cancer Discovery.


  • Congratulations! Congcong's collaboration paper with Prof. Ma and Prof. Zheng about clinical role and molecular mechanisms of the SLC12 family in uveal melanoma was accepted on Laboratory Investigation.


  • Congratulations! Siqi's collaboration paper with Prof. Xu about Early non-invasive diagnosis of pre-eclampsia was accepted on BMC Medicine.
  • Congratulations! Zicheng and Lu's paper about Pan-cancer landscape of T cell exhaustion heterogeneity was accepted on eBioMedicine.


  • Zhengbo, Yukuan, Zicheng, Congcong, Fangjie, Ji and Fukun graduated! Congratulations and best wishes!
  • Congratulations to Zhengbo, Jian, and Fukun, their paper about genetic relationships and pleiotropic mechanisms of five ocular diseases was accepted on eBioMedicine.
  • Congratulations! Jingting's paper about Multi-omics deep learning model for rationalized hypoxia-targeted therapy in UVM was accepted on Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.


  • Congratulations! Congcong 's paper about Computational inference of susceptibility genes in UVM was accepted on npj Systems Biology and Applications.
  • Congratulations! Congcong and Ke Li's paper about A macrophage activation paradigm of ovarian cancer was accepted on Journal of advanced research.
  • Congratulations! Zicheng's collaboration paper with Prof. Wang about Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Gastric Cancer was accepted on Journal of Gastric Cancer!


  • Congratulations! Yukuan and Hengqiang's collaboration paper with Prof. Wu about Identifying Hereditary Breast Cancer through Deep Learning was accepted on Genome Medicine!


  • Congratulations! Xinyu's collaboration paper with Prof. Lin about DNA methylation diagnostic and prognostic markers for esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma was accepted on Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.
  • Yunlong, Fei, Chunyu, Jingjing and Yukuan contributed a paper about integrating scRNA-seq with GWAS to discover genetics-influenced CD16+ monocytes and memory CD8+T cells involved in severe COVID-19 on Genome Medicine. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! Lu's collaboration paper with Prof. Shen about Transcriptional landscape of circulating platelets from patients with COVID-19 was accepted on Cell & Bioscience.



  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022!
  • Congratulations! Ke, Congcong and Chenghao's paper about Computational elucidation of spatial gene expression variation from spatially resolved transcriptomics data was accepted on Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids.


  • Congratulations! Jie, Congcong's collaboration paper with Prof. Hao about Immuno-genomic characterization of high-grade serous ovarian cancer was accepted on British Journal of Cancer.


  • Meng, Ping, Congcong, Jianzhong and Jie contributed a paper about Cell-free DNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine of lncRNA as biomark for cancer on Clinical Epigenetics. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! Prof. Zhou's collaboration paper with Prof. Åsa Wheelock about Multiomics integration-based molecular characteristics of COVID-19 was accepted on Briefings in Bioinformatics
  • Congratulations! Zicheng's collaboration paper about clinical five-risk factor panel for acute anterior uveitis recurrence was accepted on Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST).
  • Congratulations! Siqi and Ke's paper about Deep learning in single-cell RNA-sequencing data analysis was accepted on Briefings in Bioinformatics.
  • Congratulations! Ping and Congcong's paper about Cell-free 5hmC profiles of lncRNAs in cancer detection and progression monitoring was accepted on Clinical Epigenetics.


  • Congratulations. Chunyu and Jianzhong's collaboration paper about genetic source tracking of human urinary exosomes was accepted on PNAS.
  • Congratulations to Wei and Jianzhong for paper about non-classically secreted proteins in Gram-positive bacteria accepted by Nucleic Acids Research.
  • Congratulations! Yunlong, Jian and Jianzhong contributed a paper about whole city-million scale children and adolescents myopia survey (CAMS) in Wenzhou on Eye and Vision.


  • Congratulations! Jian, Qi, Dandan and Jianzhong's work about loss of H3K27me3 in ESCC activate transcription was accepted on npj Genomic Medicine.
  • Congratulations to Jianzhong for collaborative publication about de novo protein structure prediction in Bioinformatics.


  • Congratulations! Dandan's collaboration paper with Prof. Qiao about ESCC oncogenic enhancers was accepted in Nature Communications.
  • Congratulations! Zicheng's collaboration paper with Prof. Zheng about Crosstalk between epithelial-mesenchymal transition and immune evasion was accepted in npj Precision Oncology.
  • Jian, Fukun, Dandan and Jiangzhong contributed EyeDiseases database on NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. Cheers!


  • Congratulations! Zicheng's collaboration paper with Dr. Wang about Adjuvant Chemotherapy Efficacy Comparison of SOX and XELOX in Stage II-III GC Patients was published in Frontiers in Oncology.
  • Congratulations! Siqi's collaboration paper with CHCAMS about Circulating exo-miRNA inhibits breast cancer LNM was accepted in Molecular Oncology.
  • Congratulations! Zicheng's paper about Pan-cancer lncRNA modifiers of immune microenvironment was accepted in npj Genomic Medicine.
  • Dandan, Siqi, Qi, Yaru and Ping successfully defended their MS theses. Congratulations!
  • Yunlong, Yukuan and Jianzhong's paper about genomic susceptibility locus of COVID-19 was published on Human Molecular Genetics. Congratulations!


  • Congratulations! Yunlong, jian, Yaru and Jianzhong's paper titled “COVID-19 quarantine reveals behavioral changes effect on myopia progression” was accepted on Ophthalmology.\
  • Congratulations to Jian on his new baby girl. Cheers!


  • Hengqiang, Yukuan and Jianzhong contributed an article in Molecular Cancer. Congratulations!
  • Happy spring festival! Bless for 2021!


  • Congratulations to Yuanjian and Jianzhong for contributing a collaboration paper on The American Journal of Human Genetics. Cheers!
  • Congratulations! Jianzhong's collaboration paper with Li Lab is online at Nature Communications.
  • Siqi's collaboration paper about an EV-derived GI-associated miRNA signature in breast cancer is online at Journal of Nanobiotechnology! Congratulations!
  • Yunlong had a baby girl. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! Ping, Siqi and Dandan's work about DNA methylation signature in uveal melanoma was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics.
  • Congratulations! Siqi’s collaboration paper about an EV-derived GI-associated miRNA signature in breast cancer with Chen Lab and Wu Lab was accepted in Journal of Nanobiotechnology.



  • Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


  • Congratulations! Yan, Fulong and Yaru's collaboration paper about single cell RNA-seq reveals cancerous origin with Jin Lab was accepted in PNAS.


  • Congratulations! Jianzhong Collaboration's paper about Discovery of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes was published in Science Advance.
  • Su Lab had a wonderful day in Dongtou district.
  • Congratulations! Yaru and Yunlong's work for pathway activity transformation of single-cell RNA-seq data was accepted in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.


  • Congratulations! Jian Yuan and Dan Dan's work about cricial mitochondrial genes in cornea affected by COVID-19 was accepted in IOVS.
  • Congratulations! Jianzhong Collaboration's paper about Discovery of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes was accepted in Science Advance.


  • Congratulations! Congcong's paper about Computational methods and applications of disease lncRNAs was published to Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids.
  • Congratulations! Jianzhong’s collaboration paper with Li Lab was accepted in Nature Communications.


  • Congratulations! Yan and Yaru’s paper of single-cell pathways annotation tool was accepted in Bioinformatics.


  • Congratulations! Xinyu’s collaboration paper with Zhang Lab was published in Blood.
  • Zicheng and Hengqiang’s collaboration paper with Jin Lab was published to Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids.


  • Congratulations! Yan, Zhengbo and Fangjie’s ncRNAomics knowledgebase paper was accepted in Front Cell Dev Biol.
  • Congratulations! Jie, Zicheng and Siqi’s tumor immune infiltration-associated lncRNAs in NSCLC paper was published in Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer.


  • Congratulations! Long, Kai and Quan’s Cell-free epigenome atlas in human diseases paper was published in Nucleic Acids Research
  • Happy New Year 2020!
  • Congratulations! Meng, Zicheng and Siqi’s lncRNA signature of tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes paper was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics
  • Congratulations! Zicheng’s computational advances in decoding immune contexture paper was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics
  • Congratulations! Hengqiang’s patient-level framework for precision medicine paper was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics



  • Congratulations! Jian’s molecular signatures in devastating endophthalmitis paper was accepted in mSystems


  • Congratulations! Yan and Long’s circRNA in Alzheimer’s disease paper was accepted in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
  • Congratulations! Siqi’s lncRNA signatures of genome instability paper was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics.


  • Congratulations! Jie and Siqi’s Individualized gene signature in chemotherapy paper was accepted in Cell Death & Disease.


  • The lab welcomes new graduates: Zicheng Zhang, Ji Zhang, Yukuan Huang, Congcong Yan and Fukun Cheng


  • Celebrating the Success of International Forum of Genetics and Epigenetics in Precision Medicine, IFGE2019, and the Unveiling of the Biomedical Big Data Institute.
  • Congratulations! Jie, Qiang and Ting’s function-derived personalized multi-gene signature of outcome in colorectal cancer paper was accepted in JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE



  • Merry Christmas!


  • Congratulations! Dr Su’s grant application of outstanding youth has been funded by Zhejiang natural fund committee.


  • Congratulations! Dr. Zhou’s grant application has been funded by NSFC.
  • Congratulations! Dr. Su’s grant application has been funded by NSFC.
  • Congratulations! Jianzhong’s Pan-Cancer DNA Hypermethylation and homeobox oncogenes paper was published in Genome Biology


  • Congratulations! Jianzhong’s Pan-Cancer DNA Hypermethylation and homeobox oncogenes paper was accepted in Genome Biology


  • Congratulations! Meng and Hu’s lncRNA signature in colon cancer recurrence paper was accepted in Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids.


  • The lab welcomes new graduates: Dandan Fan, Siqi Bao, Qi Jiang, Yaru Zhang and Ping Hou
  • Our team at the 2018 Forum for Genetics and Epigenetics of Skeletal Associated Disorders meeting, Beijing, China
  • Congratulations! Meng and Qiang’s lncRNA and Alzheimer’s disease paper was accepted and is online in Briefings in Bioinformatics


  • Professor Su was invited to the The International Consortium for Spinal Genetics, Development and Disease Conference